The following video will show you the steps to create a financial model.
- 1 Use the left side navigation pane and click on Libraries, then click on Financial Models.
- 2 Click the New Financial Model button in the top right corner.
- 3 Note: You will make your edits on the left side under Financial Model. The right side under Preview, will show you how the financial configuration will behave in your projects.
- 4 To change the name of the financial model, click on the text in the top left corner as shown below.
- 5 You can also change the name of any financial step by doing the same as shown in the image below.
- 6 A financial input can be made either editable or non-editable in a project by toggling the Editable button as shown below.
- 7 A financial step as a whole can be made optional or non-optional by toggling the Optional button as shown below.
- 8 Some financial steps can be deleted by hitting the trash can button on the right side of the step.
- 9 To add a financial step, click the + sign to the right of a step that is in the model. After selecting your desired step, it will be added below.
- Make sure to add the step on the desired location, as once they are added the cannot be manually moved, the would have to be re-added to the model from scratch.
Note: Make sure to adjust the "Install Time", to dictate how many months from the present the system installation will take place as this input will affect the start month of your cashflow.