HelioScope has a number of weather sources included, but users can also get weather data sets from external providers.
Weather Sources Included
HelioScope currently includes ground weather data from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (TMY2 and TMY3), Solar and Wind Energy Resource Assessment (TMY), and DOW (EPW) where available. It also includes satellite-based weather files from Prospector, Meteonorm (Meteonorm 7 and 8), and Physical Solar Mode (v3).
External Weather Sources
NSRDB is a publicly available and free source of data, with coverage in India and the Americas. SolarGIS, SolarAnywhere, 3TIER, and Meteonorm all offer global coverage for a price and Climate.OneBuilding offers free international weather datasets.
How to Upload
To upload weather data to HelioScope, please follow these steps on uploading weather data. Follow this guide to learn more about how to format your weather file.