HelioScope allows you to track your project usage in 2 ways: usage during your current billing period, and historical usage. (Please note, until enforcement begins in October 2023, this is informational only).
How many projects do I have left in my current billing period?
In the new HelioScope experience (found at beta.HelioScope.com), you can see your project usage for your current billing period in the bottom left-hand corner of your screen, just above your name.
In the current HelioScope experience (found at app.helioscope.com), You can see your project usage for your current billing history in the top right-hand corner of your screen, Just above the links to training, tips and tricks, and webinars.
You will also be able to see how close you are to using all your projects for your current billing period. The project usage tracker will be blue when you have plenty of projects remaining, will turn orange when you are nearing your project cap, and red when you have used all your projects for the billing period.
How many projects have I used historically?
You can see your project usage for the last 12 calendar months your billing page in the new experience, which you can find here. You'll be able to see a graph with an overview of your last 12 months of usage, and you can hover over each month to see the exact number of projects used that month.
Why does the number of projects used in the consumption tracker not match the projects I can see?
There are a few reasons you might see a different number of projects in the consumption tracker than you see on your homepage:
- Archived projects: archive projects still count towards the total number of projects used.
- Shared projects: while you and your team share a pool of projects to use, projects created by a different team and shared with you via Sharing link will not count towards your total projects used. Project usage is based on the team that created the project.
- Date modified versus date created: Project usage is tracked based on the date the project was created. Your list of projects on your homepage is sorted by the data project was last modified. So you might see a project created a year ago appear at the top of your project list today, but it would not count against your current project usage