Glossary of Auto-Complete Smart Tokens
The following terms can be typed into proposal text fields to automatically pull in HelioScope data directly into the report. Typing a curly bracket "{" will bring up a list of available terms. As you start typing you will see a list of matching Smart Tokens. Below is a complete list of the currently available terms. Please let us know if there are any values you would like added to the list.
Smart Token | Definition |
avg_utility_bill_monthly_presolar | Pre-solar monthly energy consumption costs |
avg_utility_bill_monthly_postsolar | Post-solar monthly energy consumption costs |
total_utility_bill_yearly_presolar | Pre-solar annual energy consumption costs |
total_bill_yearly_with_solar | Post-solar annual energy consumption costs |
total_utility_bill_lifetime_presolar | Total energy consumption costs across the system's lifetime |
total_savings_yearly | Annual energy consumption costs savings |
total_savings_monthly | Monthly energy consumption costs savings |
lifetime_savings | Total energy consumption cost savings across system's lifetime |
avg_cost_per_kwh | Pre-solar electricity costs on a per kWh basis |
avg_cost_per_kwh_lifetime | Pre-solar electricity costs on a per kWh basis, adjusted for utility cost inflation |
cost_per_watt_ac | AC system size cost per watt |
cost_per_watt_dc | DC system size cost per watt |
avg_consumption_monthly | Average pre-solar electricity consumption in kWh |
total_consumption_yearly | Total pre-solar electricity consumption in kWh |
total_consumption_yearly_with_solar | Total post-solar electricity consumption in kWh |
Smart Token | Definition |
annual_production | Annual solar array energy generation |
design_name | Design name |
design_nameplate_ac | System size in AC |
design_nameplate_dc | System size in DC |
module_quantity | Solar module quantity |
project_address | Project address |
system_yield | Specific yield, is calculated as the total simulation energy generation divided by the system DC nameplate power. |
system_performance_ratio | Performance Ratio (PR) shows the percentage of total potential energy for the array that is converted to AC energy (read more here) |
Smart Token | Definition |
inverter_manufacturer | Inverter manufacturer brand name |
inverter_model | Inverter model name |
inverter_quantity | Count of inverters in the design |
inverter_wattage | Inverter nominal output power |
module_manufacturer | Module manufacturer brand name |
module_model | Module model name |
module_power | Module STC-rated power |
module_quantity_total | Count of all modules in the design |
module_XXX_1, module_XXX_2, module_XXX_3 |
When multiple Field Segments use different modules, these Smart Tokens tally the information for the modules with the first, second, and third most modules in the Design. The 'XXX' can stand for Model, Manufacturer, Quantity, or Power. Examples: module_power_1 would show the wattage of the module with the most modules. module_quantity_2 would show the module quantity of the module with the second most modules. module_model_3 would show the model name of the module with the third most modules. |
inverter_XXX_1, inverter_XXX_2, inverter_XXX_3 |
When multiple Wiring use different modules, these Smart Tokens tally the information for the modules with the first, second, and third most modules in the Design. The 'XXX' can stand for Model, Manufacturer, Quantity, or Power. Examples: module_power_1 would show the wattage of the inverter with the most inverters. inverter_quantity_2 would show the inverter quantity of the inverter with the second most inverters. inverter_model_3 would show the model name of the inverter with the third most inverters. |
Smart Token | Definition |
avg_full_cost_monthly | Monthly cost of solar financing + remaining electricity bill |
financing_costs_monthly | Monthly cost of solar financing |
IRR | Internal Rate of Return (Investopedia definition) |
LCOE | Levelized Cost of Energy: calculated as the net present value of all costs over the life of the system divided by the net present value of energy generation over the life of the system |
annual_degradation | Annual degradation percentage |
annual_maintenance_cost | Annual maintenance cost |
utility_rate_escalation | Utility rate escalation percentage |
discount_rate | Discount rate percentage |
incentives_total | The sum of all incentives received over the life of the system |
offset_bill | Percentage of electricity costs ($) offset by solar production |
offset_energy | Percentage of electricity consumption (kWh) offset by solar production |
payback_period | The amount of time (years) it takes to recover the cost of an investment |
ppa_rate | Cost per kilowatt-hour paid by the customer to owning entity of the solar system |
ppa_term_years | PPA term length in years |
ROI | Return on Investment: value from electricity savings divided by investment cost |
system_lifetime_years | The system lifetime operating years |
system_net_costs | Net system price after incentives |
system_total_cost | Total system price before incentives |
system_npv_cash | Net Present Value of cash inflows and outflows over the life of the system. Adjust future cash flows to today's dollars to adjust for the time value of money (Investopedia definition) |
system_npv_energy | Net Present Value of energy outflows over the life of the system. Adjusts future energy generation to account for the time value of money |
system_upfront_costs | System upfront cost total |
Smart Token | Definition |
project_created | Date of project creation |
project_creator_company | Company name associated with the project creator's account |
project_creator_email | Project creator's email address |
project_creator_firstname | Project creator's first name |
project_creator_fullname | Project creator's full name |
project_creator_lastname | Project creator's last name |
project_name | Name of the project |
The environmental metrics come from the EPA Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator. All the values are structured on a per kWh basis. For example, 1 kWh of electricity is equal to 1.6 pounds of Carbon Dioxide emissions. In the financial template, setting the Carbon Dioxide field to 1.6 is equivalent, then your HelioScope reports will show 1.6 x system kWh generation to calculate the total carbon dioxide offset in pounds. The table below provides the per kWh equivalencies in both metric and imperial units.
Smart Token | Name | Metric | Imperial |
co2_kg | Carbon Dioxide | 0.707 (kg / kWh) | 1.6 (lbs / kWh) |
driven_vehicle | Passenger Vehicles Driven for 1 Year | 0.0002 (cars / kWh) | 0.0002 (cars / kWh) |
driven_km | Passenger Vehicle Distance Driven | 2.73588 (km / kWh) | 1.7 (miles / kWh) |
recycled_ton | Waste Recycled Instead of Landfilled | 0.00025 (tons / kWh) | 0.00025 (tons / kWh) |
recycled_truck | Waste Recycled Instead of Landfilled (truckload) | 0.00004 (trucks / kWh) | 0.00004 (trucks / kWh) |
gasoline_liter | Gasoline Consumed | 0.3028 (liters / kWh) | .08 (gallons / kWh) |
gasoline_tanker | Gasoline Consumed (Tanker Truck) | 0.000009 (trucks / kWh) | 0.000009 (trucks / kWh) |
energy_annual_home | Home Annual Energy Usage | 0.00008 (homes / kWh) | 0.00008 (homes / kWh) |
electricity_annual_home | Home Annual Electricity Usage | 0.00012 (homes / kWh) | 0.00012 (homes / kWh) |
led_bulb | Incandescent Lamps Switched to LEDs | 0.027 (bulbs / kWh) | 0.027 (bulbs / kWh) |
oil_barrel | Barrels of Oil Consumed | 0.00164 (barrels / kWh) | 0.00164 (barrels / kWh) |
propane_can | Propane Used for Home Barbecues | 0.029 (cylinders / kWh) | 0.029 (cylinders / kWh) |
coal_kg | Coal Burned | 0.3506 (kg / kWh) | 0.773 (lbs / kWh) |
coal_railcar | Coal Burned (Railcars) | 0.00004 (railcars / kWh) | 0.00004 (railcars / kWh) |
seedling_ten_year | Tree Seedlings Grown for 10 Years | 0.0117 (seedling / kWh) | 0.0117 (seedling / kWh) |
forest_hectare | Hectares of Forest Preserved for 1 Year | 0.00832 (hectares / kWh) | 0.00832 (hectares / kWh) |