Consumption data is the basis of the analysis when analyzing the profitability and avoided cost of a Solar Project. To facilitate the usage upload, we have created a spreadsheet that converts consumption data from monthly to hourly that can then be uploaded to HelioScope.
Please follow these steps:
1. Download the spreadsheet monthly to Hourly Consumption Data Conversion
2. Go to the INPUTS tab and enter the kWh consumption values for each month and rate period
NOTE: The monthly consumption input will display an error if it detects values are entered into a rate, but that rate is not present in the 12x24 table as a number 1, 2, or 3. To fix this, either remove values from the monthly input or add the rate to the 12x24 table
2. Now, match the time of use periods of the customer's Rate Schedule into our spreadsheet (learn how to create a Rate Schedule)
Define the months and hours when each rate period applies. This will allow you to dictate what hours of the day from 1-24 and what months of the year correspond to each time of use period. (1 represents the peak, 2 Off Peak, and 3 Mid Peak hours).
3. Go to the OUTPUT tab. Then, copy all values
4. Download one of our example CSV files found here and paste the values you copied from the Output tab
4. Upload the new hourly Interval Data file instructions by following the instructions here. Make sure you select the units as kWh and change the Quick Select Option to MM/DD/YY 60 min
For additional instructions, check the video below: