This article will provide a glossary with additional information on each of the widgets available in the Report editor. Three different types of the widgets will be described in detail:
1. Text and Drawing Components
2. Project and Design Components
1. Text and Drawing Components
Widget | Definition | |
Inserts a text box. Once the text box has been added, a formatting menu will open, providing text font, size, and color options, as well as, alignment, numbering, and bullets. |
Inserts an image box where images can be dropped. Right-click on the image to Send to Back or Bring it to Front. |
Inserts a horizontal line. Edit the color, line thickness, or orientation of the line from the formatting menu. |
Inserts a rectangular shape. Edit the fill and border color, border width, or rotate the shape. |
2. Project and Design Components
Widget | Definition | |
Inserts the Annual Production table for the Design. The Production table will be the same found on the Production Report. More information about the content of the table can be found here. |
Inserts the Conditions Set table applicable to the Design. The Condition Set table will be the same found in the Production Report. More information about the content of the table can be found here. |
Inserts a table with the description of each Field Segment of the Design. The table includes racking type, module orientation, tilt, module azimuth, nitraros spacing, frame size, number of frames, number of modules and total Power. |
Inserts the Logo from the previously selected Current Theme. To change the Logo select a different Theme from the drop-down menu at the top of the Editor menu. To create a new Theme with a new logo follow the steps described in this article. |
Inserts a table with the total monthly values for the following parameters: GHI, POA, shaded irradiance, Nameplate capacity, and energy to the Grid. |
Inserts a table with the following Project information: address, Project creator, last modified date, and location in coordinates. |
Inserts an image with the map view of the Project location. |
Inserts a table containing the Weather Sources and the Transposition Model used in the simulations. |
Inserts a detailed layout image of the Design. To customize what is displayed on the layout image, for example, inverters, trees, and overlays, follow the steps described on this help article. |
Inserts a table with a mini bill of materials indicating the different components used in the Design and their quantity. |
Inserts a table with a detailed description of the Wiring Zones created in the Design, including the number of combiner poles, string size, and stringing strategy for each Wiring Zone. |
Inserts the Sources of System Loss chart that can be found on the Production Report. The chart provides a great insight as to where the losses are coming from. For example: shading, temperature, mismatch, clipping, or inverters amongst others. |
Inserts a table containing shading parameters calculated per Field Segment. The parameters include: shaded irradiance, TOF, solar access, and TSRF, similarly to the parameters included in the Shade Report. |
Inserts a table with a summary of the different Design metrics also found on the Production Report. Such metrics include: DC and AC Nameplate, Annual Production, Performance Ratio, and kWk/kWp. |
Inserts a 2D top-down close-up view image of the Design. |
3. Financial Components
Widget | Definition | |
Inserts a table containing the calculated cash flow for every year of the Project's lifetime. The table displays the total Annual Energy, the annual Cash Flow, and the Cumulative Cash Flow over the lifetime of the Project. |
Inserts a table with a financial summary. The values displayed can be customized by clicking on the top right corner of each column. The options available are: Levelized Cost of Energy, Lifetime Value, or Payback Period. |
Inserts a graph displaying the total annual Production and Consumption. The graph can be customized to show only one or two of the values, and can be displayed in vertical columns or horizontal bars, lines and markers or markers and area. |
Inserts a graph displaying the estimated total annual utility bill with and without solar. The graph can be customized to show only one or two of the values, and can be displayed in vertical columns or horizontal bars, lines and markers or markers and area. |
Inserts a table with the main financial parameters estimated from the input of the Financial Model selected. The metrics displayed are: Total Value of Energy, Lifetime Value, IRR, ROI, Payback Period and Levelized Cost of Energy. |
Inserts a graph displaying the Cumulative Cash Flow and the annual Cash Flow for the lifetime of the Project. |
Inserts a pie chart displaying how much of the of the total consumption will be covered by the utility and how much will be covered by solar over the lifetime of the Project. |