We've put together a list of the top things users miss that can help get the most out of HelioScope:
- Live Chat: At the bottom right of every page on HelioScope, click 'Help' to chat with a HelioScope agent.
- Automatically Set Module Orientation: Quickly align modules with the edge of the roof by right-clicking on the edge of a field segment. Read more about quickly setting module azimuth here.
- Shifting Modules Around: HelioScope automatically lays out modules to save time, but adjustments can be made to where the module layout starts by setting an alignment point. This is especially useful for maximizing a roof and avoiding obstructions. Learn how to shift modules within a field segment here.
- Orbit in 3D: Viewing the design in 3D can help spot design issues and prevent inaccurate modeling. Learn how to quickly check designs by rotating the view in 3D here.
- Excel Tools: To output a full 8760 file, click the CSV button at the top of the report. This will show system production information and other data for every hour of the year. In addition, Excel spreadsheets offer powerful ways to interpret that data. The output format for the CSV is consistent, so new reports can be dropped into these models to see results, and custom models can also be built. Here is our set of Excel models to get started.
- Shade Report: Approved by rebate authorities across the country, HelioScope shade reports provide all the metrics expected from an on-site shade measuring tool, all available remotely. Learn more about our shade report here and how to estimate the height of objects remotely here.
- SLD Export: HelioScope generates an electrical single line diagram with each design. The SLD can be customized by exporting a .DXF file to CAD.
- External Integrations: HelioScope integrates with other software tools in the solar industry. Export designs to Unirac U-Builder to get engineering reports and ballast calculations. Additionally, export production data to Energy Toolbase for financial analysis, energy storage modeling, and custom proposals.
- Imagery Integration: HelioScope has direct integration with three different mapping providers: Google (free), Bing (free), and Nearmap (paid). Learn how to switch between mapping providers here. Imagery from Pictometry or custom uploads via overlays is also supported. HelopScope can also import custom KMZ files from a drone or other mapping provider.
- Troubleshooting the Loss Table: The HelioScope production report contains design information, including a detailed loss table. Mastering this report can help improve design and system performance. Learn more about typical system losses here.
- Voltage Drop Calculations: Voltage drop calculations for any size conductor can be quickly viewed while designing in HelioScope.
- Setting Defaults: Modules and Inverters used frequently can be set as favorites to avoid searching in each design. A Project Profile can also be set up to establish defaults for Field Segments, Electrical, and Condition Sets.
- Quick Design Revisions: Cloning designs is the fastest way to evaluate multiple design alternatives. HelioScope's design cloning feature allows for the duplication of work without leaving the designer. Learn more about design cloning options here.
- The Magic Shift Key: Ensuring designs are square can make the difference between an accurate proposal and the need for a change order. HelioScope has a keyboard shortcut to force designs into 90-degree angles.
- Object Stacking: A Keepout or a Field Segment can be placed on top of another Field Segment. Detailed interactions for how objects stack in HelioScope are explained here.